It's been an eventful few days. The surf has showed me the potential of some of the spots up here that i've surfed on good days but i've only ever heard tales and fables of how good they can really get, well now i've seen it and i have been inspired, truly amazing.
Over the last few days i've surfed so hard that i've been sick twice, burnt my face to asunder, let the most beautiful waves pass me by just for a breather, given myself a sore mouth just from smiling, cheering and laughing so much and nearly lost my mind as the total of the sickest waves forever increased with each one getting better and better.
I'm having a day off today i reckon, there's still swell but i'm a broken man, never thought i would say that!
But It's given me time to have a play around with some shots i took last week, i hope you like them.
Wet Gold Mk 2
South Mandu
Song Bird
Open Water
West Coast